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Power your world with our expertise

Cosmos Infinity values energy efficiency like you do. Our mission is to make the world of energy more efficient and focus in design and develop battery products.

Our Services

Our Services

Our goal is to provide our customers more affordable solutions, and lower total cost of ownership.

Battery System

Design and Configure

​Anti-Propagation Design



Performance Testing and Analysis

Sample Testing

Battery Analysis

System Optimization




Technology Assessment

New Battery Chemistry Development



Regulatory Compliance

Battery Certification

Safety Standard

Maintenance and Repair

Maximize Lifespan

Avoid Costly Down-time

Ready to find out more?

Are you planning to build a battery pack but not sure where to start? Let our team of experts help you out! With years of experience in designing and building battery packs, we can provide you with a comprehensive evaluation that will help you create a safe and reliable power source for your device.

We will analyze various factors such as battery chemistry, cell selection, protection circuitry, and charging methods to ensure that your battery pack meets your specific needs and requirements. Our team will also provide you with recommendations on how to optimize the performance and lifespan of your battery pack.

Don't take any chances with your battery pack design. Get a professional evaluation today and ensure that your device runs smoothly and reliably for years to come. Contact us now to schedule your evaluation and take the first step towards building the perfect battery pack for your device.


Contact Us

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 Address. 8F-7, #296 Xinyi Road Section 4, Taipei106, Taiwan

Tel. +886.2.27580368

© 2023 by Cosmos Infinity.

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